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Koop, G. and K.P. Schmolke 1993 Bonn, hardcover with dustjacket 294 pages, with photo's and plans of the ships. History. ISBN 3763759190 In mint condition. German language

Alle beschikbare tweedehands boeken van auteur Koop, G. and K.P. Schmolke 1993 Bonn, hardcover with dustjacket 294 pages, with photo's and plans of the ships. History. ISBN 3763759190 In mint condition. German language

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Koop, G. and K.P. Schmolke 1993 Bonn, hardcover with dustjacket 294 pages, with photo's and plans of the ships. History. ISBN 3763759190 In mint condition. German language

Alle beschikbare tweedehands boeken van auteur Koop, G. and K.P. Schmolke 1993 Bonn, hardcover with dustjacket 294 pages, with photo's and plans of the ships. History. ISBN 3763759190 In mint condition. German language